Champions PIT

Champions PIT is a free virtual competition for pit bull dogs. In addition to the wonderful pit bulls, Amstaff, American Bully, Xl, Xll and Staffy dogs can also participate. No other breeds are allowed. The competition is absolutely free and without mutual commitments.

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When we receive your message, our team will reply to you as soon as possible. Thanks
Quando riceveremo il Tuo messaggio, Il nostro Team ti rispondera il prima possibile. Grazie

Champions PIT

Check and consult the prize that Champions PIT awarded to the 20 competitors who classified in our completed races.
Controlla e consulta il premio che Champions PIT ha assegnato ai 20 concorrenti che si sono classificati nelle nostre gare concluse. 


Check and consult the data archive relating to our Champions PIT races that have been concluded.
Verificate e consultate l'archivio dati relativo alle nostre gare Champions PIT che sono state concluse.

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